Friday 10 June 2016

France launches terror alert app ahead of Euro 2016 soccer tournament

Traveling to Europe for Euro 2016 but worried about staying safe?
There’s an app for that.

This week, the French government released the SAIP app (Système d’Alerte et d’Information des Populations or Alert System and Population Information) that provides real-time security alerts--making use of the phone’s geo-location--safety tips, and emergency information in French and English. Launched through the French Ministry of Home Affairs’s, it’s available for iOS and Android.

But downloading an app is just one of several measures tourists can and should take before joining in the fun of the Euro games.

On May 31, the State Department issued a Europe Travel Alert, warning Americans about “the risk of potential terrorist attacks throughout Europe, targeting major events, tourist sites, restaurants, commercial centers and transportation.” The alert specifically mentioned the monthlong soccer tournament (think of it as the World Cup of Europe) that will take place in 10 cities in France beginning June 10.

On Monday, the United Kingdom’s Foreign Office issued a similar warning, stating that "stadiums, fan zones, venues broadcasting the tournament and transport hubs and links represent potential targets for terrorists," and warning fans to be “vigilant at all times.”
But the games will be played nonetheless. So if you’re planning to be there, here’s what you should know.
First of all, go.

Don’t cancel your plans, says retired U.S. Navy Vice Admiral Robert Murrett, who’s currently a faculty member at the Maxwell School of Syracuse University and deputy director of the university’s Institute for National Security and Counterterrorism.

The French government’s SAIP app will alert soccer fans to any safety tips and emergency information in French and English during Euro 2016. (Google Play)

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