Thursday, 26 November 2015

How to make Money with your smart phone in Nigeria

 To Make money online is now a legitimate way that serves as a source of income for thousands of Nigerians. To make money fast as a Nigerian, you don’t necessarily need a laptop or desktop if you cannot afford one, but with the trending Smartphone world, you can make cool money online using your smartphone. Gone are those days where making money online seems like a nightmare but now, if you know what to do, you can make money online in Nigeria using your Smartphone and without owing a blog.


In Nigeria, blogging is one of the most populous way of making money online when you write a quality content. There are thousands of Nigerians that earns 3-4 digits USA dollars from blogging monthly without quitting their 5to9 hours daily job. So, if you are the type that is not ready to work very hard to learn how to make money from the internet, it’ll be highly advisable for you to stop reading this article otherwise, it will be a waste of time. I’m not assuring you that you will be rich overnight but putting in place all the requirement of some of the making money online scheme like Click on ads, Email checking, Website survey, Data entry & Filling forms etcetera are counterfeit and it’s indeed a waste of time.

 Although, not all are scams but larger percentage of these services do scam people. Spending days on 2g0, Whatsapp, Twitter and even Facebook at times does not really worth it since they are countless number of things you can do online that can put some cent into your pocket instead of chatting. Social life is more or less a culture that deals with human ways of life but spending the whole day chatting needs to be toggled and start to do something very great if truly you will want to make money online in Nigeria.

How To Make Money In Nigeria Without Stress

In this post, I’m going to introduced you to an app that can make you some cent for unlocking your Android phone when locked.

Locket is a Smartphone app that personalize your lock screen with news and stories that will amaze you. When you install locket on your Android Smartphone, you will be paid for every time you unlock your locked screen in 1 hour interval.

Locket is available for all Android version and you can download your own Android version locket app and start making money from unlocking your Android lock screen using this simple app.

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